
MOBIUS contracts with STAT Courier to provide courier service five days a week between our member libraries. STAT drivers pick up and deliver materials between our member libraries and others through our connections with other statewide courier systems, allowing us to deliver materials between our members more efficiently and cost effectively than traditional shipping methods.

We have service connections with Trans-Amigos Express (TAE), Iowa Academic Library Alliance, and Rivershare. 

Shipping Items Through the Courier 

MOBIUS Delivery Label Maker
Access the Label Maker and instructions for using it.  

Packaging Items for Shipment
Instructions for packaging books and AV materials to be shipped to another institution. 

MOBIUS Book Bands
Printable book and AV band templates.

Adhesive Item Label Webinar
This webinar, from Stephanie Nordmann at St. Louis County Library, covers the steps on how to design and print green adhesive labels directly from the ILS instead of using the traditional, MOBIUS green bands.

MOBIUS Adhesive Label Template
Template for printing green adhesive labels for shipping materials through the courier. 

Handling Issues with Items Lost or Damaged by the Courier
Information on resolving issues involving damaged items.

MOBIUS Delivery Bags
How to request additional bags, handle damaged bags, return bags to MOBIUS, and more. 

Editing and Updating the MOBIUS Label Maker
Detailed information on how library information is formatted in the label maker and instructons for requesting changes. 

Managing Your Courier Service

Days Closed Calendar
View closures reported by your own and other member libraries.

Courier Delivery Schedule
Contains information about routes, days of service, estimated delivery times, and special delivery instructions for STAT Courier drivers.

Driver "Manifesto"for MOBIUS Courier Service
Outlines responsibilities of drivers delivering materials to MOBIUS libraries. 

Reporting Service Changes
To report schedule or delivery changes please use the Service Change Form.

Contacting MOBIUS for Help

To contact MOBIUS about courier related issues, send an email to [email protected] or call the Help Desk toll-free at 1-877-366-2487. The courier email address is monitored by multiple staff members