MOBIUS OER Commons Hub
The MOBIUS OER Commons Hub was created to support the affordability and Open Educational Resources initiatives of our member institutions, promote collaboration between members on issues related to OER, and develop a consortium-wide repository of high quality OER content for faculty use, increasing academic success and reducing costs for students across the consortium. MOBIUS members can now curate collections of OER content tailored to the specific needs of their faculty and students, and contribute to consortium-wide subject collections of materials. Visit the hub at
Contact Christina Virden at [email protected] to learn about how your campus can participate.
Adding Content to Consortia-Wide Collections
MOBIUS Librarians can contribute to the consortia-wide OER Commons collections using a set of tags that were created specifically for the MOBIUS Consortium. Each tag correlates to one of the subject collections shown on the MOBIUS OER Commons Hub. To add a resource to one of the collections, simply add the appropriate tag to resources that have been found on, or uploaded to, OER Commons. For a complete listing of available tags, contact Christina Virden at [email protected]
Support and Marketing
OER Commons Marketing Materials
Download templates that can be customized and used to promote OER Commons to your faculty and library staff.
OER Commons Starter Kit
An OER Commons Group featuring training materials from the OER Commons team and the community. The group is open for anyone to join.
OER Commons Group Administration & Authoring Training
Lean how to administer your group, curate materials, create materials using the OER Commons authoring tools, and more.
OER Commons Community Engagement Training
Learn how to get your community engaged with and using OER Commons.
OER Commons Webinar: Where Do I Start?
A brief training session for MOBIUS members conducted for 2019 Open Education Week.