Apply to Join MOBIUS


Membership in MOBIUS is based on the current MOBIUS Bylaws.

To become a member of MOBIUS, an organization must meet the following criteria and agree to the following conditions:

  • Be a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization with a library, a collection of materials, a librarian or library staff member, and an acquisitions budget;
  • Be willing to promote and support the purpose of MOBIUS;
  • Abide by the MOBIUS Bylaws and the terms and conditions of Membership as established by the MOBIUS Board of Directors 
  • Pay the agreed upon implementation fees and appropriate dues as established by the Board of Directors and any other fees assessed for products and services provided;
  • Maintain a collection of information resources and share, to the extent legally possible, your collections with other MOBIUS members;
  • Maintain a provision for online patron-initiated borrowing of available materials and the ability to pick up requested materials at any Member location.


If your organization meets these criteria and conditions and would like to join MOBIUS, please complete the following form. All applications for membership must be approved by the MOBIUS Board of Directors. After the completed form has been approved by the MOBIUS Board, the MOBIUS Executive Director will contact you to discuss the details of membership.

If you require additional information, please call (Toll-free in Missouri) 877-366-2487.