Saint Louis University


Member Type


Library Type



Jennifer Nutefall

Dean, Libraries & Museums

Martha Allen

Assistant University Librarian

Amy Pennington

Head of Cataloging/Acquisitions

Shawnee Magparangalan

Interlibrary Loan Coordinator - Pius Library

LeAnn Noland

Access Services Senior Library Associate, ILL - Law

Matthew Tuegel

Head of Access Services and Outreach - Law

Kira Lovell

Library Assistant - Medical Center Library

P.J. Koch

Interlibrary Loan Coordinator - Medical Center Library

Conrad Rader

Interim Manager of Access and Delivery Services of Pius Library and Manager of Access and Delivery Services for the Medical Center Library

Stephanie Chinn

Systems Librarian


Pius XII Memorial Library

3650 Lindell Blvd

St Louis , MO 63108

Google map

Medical Center Library

1402 S. Grand Blvd

St. Louis , MO 63104

Google map

Vincent C. Immel Law Library

100 N. Tucker Blvd.

St. Louis , MO 63101

Google map

SLU Madrid Library

Avenida del Valle, 34

Madrid , other 00000

Google map