MOBIUS Policy on Electronic Resources

Developed by

MOBIUS E-Resources Committee

Date Adopted

Revision Dates

Purpose of the Policy

To define the obligations of MOBIUS to its member libraries with respect to the MOBIUS E-Resources Program.

Policy Type

Electronic Resource



MOBIUS E-Resources Coordinator: The E-Resources Coordinator is responsible for managing all aspects of the MOBIUS E-Resources Program including identifying new resources for offer, managing the renewal process, negotiating licensing terms, coordinating trials, and price quotes.

Product Selection: Selection of resources for consideration are made by the MOBIUS E-Resources Coordinator based upon suggestions from member libraries, input from the MOBIUS E-Resources Committee, and their own work to identify new products and services that may be of interest to the membership.

Administration Fees: MOBIUS will not add administrative fees to any of its electronic resources/services offerings and does not alter the pricing that is received from the vendors in any way.

Renewals: The E-Resources Coordinator will make reasonable efforts to provide renewal quotes to each member library at least 30 days prior to the deadline for making a renewal decision to give each member library ample time to review the pricing and renewal terms.

Annual Increases: MOBIUS strives to keep annual increases low for member libraries and will require all vendors to provide a written justification for annual increases of five percent (5%) or greater.

Invoicing: Members will be invoiced for electronic resources on the product renewal date with a 30 day payment window. The E-Resources Coordinator will review all requests for invoicing outside of this schedule with the appropriate MOBIUS staff to determine if a request can be accommodated.  

Usage Statistics and Technical Support: MOBIUS does not provide usage statistics for electronic resources offerings or technical support on databases to member libraries, with the exception of the shared LIbraryH3lp software and Chatstaff issues. Members should contact the individual vendor directly for usage statistics and technical support issues, unless the issues involves Chatstaff or the LibraryH3lp software.

Licensing: MOBIUS prefers to maintain a single, central consortium license signed by MOBIUS for each vendor covering all members participating in that vendor's products or services through MOBIUS. MOBIUS will maintain a listing of electronically accessible licenses on a password protected portion of the MOBIUS website for the use of member libraries. The licenses are for member library use only and should not be shared with persons outside of the member libraries organization.

MOBIUS Electronic Resources Database: MOBIUS provides each member library with access to a database containing current and archival information regarding their current subscriptions and associated list pricing, actual cost, and cost savings. The database is accessible through the MOBIUS website and is passcode protected.