ARCHIVED - ArticleReach Direct

All info on this page is archival. ArticleReach is no longer an active product and was sunset in December of 2023

Resource Sharing for Journal Articles

Software and Consortium

​ArticleReach Direct is a document delivery solution by Innovative Interfaces that supports resource sharing of non-returnables, in both print and electronic form, through a union catalog. Completely integrated within the Innovative suite of products, ArticleReach provides users with the most efficient workflow of any Document Delivery solution on the market, including initiating requests to potential suppliers, requests administration, and usage tracking for statistics and copyright compliance.

ArticleReach Direct is also a growing international consortium of academic and public libraries, including libraries in Australia, California, Missouri, Iowa, and more. Members have created a combined catalog of their journal collections. Authorized users from each library may request articles from other member libraries journals by requesting them online in the ArticleReach Direct Catalog or through their home libraries electronic indexes.

This service is available to MOBIUS member libraries as part of their membership fees. 


ArticleReach Direct streamlines article requesting by simplifying the process. Staff at the patron's home library do not need to broker the request as they would with traditional ILL. Requests are patron initiated thorough the ArticleReach Direct Union Catalog or your library's link resolver, then system automatically selects an appropriate library to fill the request based on holdings data. The lending library scans the article and uploads a PDF to a designated Dropbox folder and the article is delivered straight to the patron's library account. 

  • Cuts ILL costs and saves staff time
  • Brings more articles to users
  • Delivers full text to the user's desktop
  • Speeds discovery-to-delivery
  • Boosts user convenience 
  • Low total cost of ownership

Resources for Participants

ArticleReach Direct Union Catalog
View the holdings available, request articles, and see the list of libraries participating in ArticleReach Direct around the world. 

ArticleReach Direct Quick Guide
A handy guide covering everything you need to know as a participating library about ArticleReach Direct.

ArticleReach Direct Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to common issues and questions from library patrons using ArticleReach Direct.

ArticleReach Direct Statistics
Statistical information by month for all participants using ArticleReach Direct.

ArticleReach Direct Contacts
Contact information for all libraries participating in ArticleReach Direct, including those outside of MOBIUS. 

Participating MOBIUS Libraries

Avila University
Central Methodist University 
Columbia College
Conception Abbey and Seminary College
Concordia Seminary
Culver-Stockton College
East Central College
Fontbonne University
Goldfarb School of Nursing
Hannibal-LaGrange University
Harris-Stowe State University
Jefferson College
Kansas City University
Kansas City Art Institute
Kenrick-Glennon Theological Seminary
Lincoln University
Metropolitan Community College
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Mineral Area College
Missouri Baptist University
Missouri Botanical Garden
Missouri History Museum
Missouri Valley College
Missouri Western State University
Moberly Area Community College
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
North Central Missouri College
Northwest Missouri State University
Ozark Technical College
Park University
Rockhurst University
Southeast Missouri State University
Springfield-Greene County Library
St. Charles Community College
St. Paul School of Theology
State Fair Community College
State Technical College of Missouri
Three Rivers College
Truman State University
Tulsa City-County Library
Westminster College
William Jewell College