MOBIUS was formed more than 20 years ago to allow libraries to share library materials, services, and information using cost effective and accessible means. Resource sharing continues to be core to our mission and underlines many of the things that we do. Through our Union Catalog, shared collections, organizational partnerships, and courier connections our member libraries have access to millions of resources from libraries of all kinds

The MOBIUS Union Catalog 

The MOBIUS Union Catalog contains more than 30 million items contributed by the 78 MOBIUS member libraries and uses the INN-Reach resource sharing tool from Innovative Interfaces, Inc. to enable patron initiated requesting and cost effective fulfillment of services. MOBIUS members include public, academic, and special libraries, giving patrons access to a diverse pool of resources. 

See Our Membership

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Prospector Partnership

MOBIUS and the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries began sharing materials through our mutual INN-Reach Systems in August, 2014 using III's Peer-to-Peer software. The Alliance manages a union catalog, using Innovative Interface's InnReach system, called Prospector. Prospector has over 45 academic, public and special libraries in Colorado and Wyoming. This gives MOBIUS libraries access to and additional 33 million items including audio-visual materials. 

Learn More About the Partnership

Courier Network

Through our own MOBIUS courier network, our partnerships with the Iowa Library Alliance, Iowa Rivershare Libraries, and IA Shares, and our connections to Trans-Amigos Express (TAE), Cooperating Libraries in Consortium (CLiC), and the Mid-America Library Alliance (MALA), our libraries have the ability to share materials quickly and at low cost with hundreds of libraries across seven states: Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas, Colorado and Iowa. 

Learn More about Courier